
July 20: Reddit AskScience AMA on clean drinking water in India

Your chance to ask Prof. Amos Winter and Tata Fellow Natasha Wright anything about solar water desalination and the life of an MIT researcher.

July 15 AMA Wright Winter Tata Center

By Kate Repantis, MIT Alumni Association

Join Amos Winter, assistant professor of mechanical engineering at MIT, and Tata Fellow Natasha Wright for a live Reddit AskScience AMA on Wednesday, July 20 from 4-5 p.m. EDT to learn more about their work on solar desalination technology to provide clean water at the village scale in India.

About the Speakers:
Amos Winter is an assistant professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at MIT. He also serves as the director of the Global Engineering and Research (GEAR) Lab, which focuses on the marriage of mechanical design theory and user-centered product design to create simple, elegant technological solutions for use in highly constrained environments.

Natasha Wright is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at MIT, and a Fellow in the Tata Center for Technology and Design. Her current work focuses on using electrodialysis technology, powered by photovoltaics, to provide clean drinking water in off-grid settings.

How do I participate in the Reddit AskScience AMA?
In order to ask questions or vote on questions you would like answered, you will need to log in to Reddit or set up an account. Then follow these four easy steps:

1. Click on the link we’ll be posting on this page and social media. You can also look on the www.reddit.com/r/askscience/ page and click on the “AskScience AMA Series: We are MIT Professor Amos Winter and PhD Candidate Natasha Wright” listing at 4:00 p.m. EDT.

2. Read what your fellow Redditers are asking. Like a question or want to ask your own? Click on the upvoting arrow to the left of the question. Questions with the most upvotes rise to the top of the page and are most likely to be answered.

3. Don’t see your question asked? Ask your own! Click on the “Ask a Question” blue box on the right side of the page. Type your question, and click save. It will automatically appear in the thread and the community can upvote the question if they like it.

4. What do I ask? Anything at all. Check out the text of Winter and Wright’s bios above for more information on their backgrounds and to get you thinking about good questions to ask.

This AskScience Reddit AMA is produced in association with the MIT Department of Mechanical Engineering. Learn more about how MIT is working to make a better world at betterworld.mit.edu, and share your stories with #MITBetterWorld.

Photo by John Freidah/MIT Mechanical Engineering